
Only 31% of Chief Information Officers at large companies lead AI initiatives. Why is that?

Large businesses are highly motivated to invest in AI. Yet, there is no consensus on who should lead the charge.

By Emma O'Rourke

New Research: U.S. Voters Fear the National Security Consequences of Heightened Big Tech Regulation

Regulating U.S. tech companies is a low priority issue for voters who fear excessive regulation could negatively impact national security.

By Kyler Rowzee

Living in an AI Age: Younger U.S. Small Business Leaders More Likely to Already be Using AI Tools

There is a linear correlation between SMB leader age and AI adoption. Younger SMB leaders are more likely to already be using AI tools for business.

By Lilly Gillespie

Shaping the Future of Personal Finance: How the U.S. Can Learn From the UK’s Open Banking Experience

American consumers could benefit greatly from the country's upcoming open banking regulation, provided regulators learn from the UK’s open banking experience.

By Dan Morgan

Understanding Individual U.S. Political Donations by Employer

Individual retail employees' political donations often favor specific parties. The 2020 election cycle saw an influx of donations, swinging some companies' partisan leanings.

By Elise Buellesbach

Coinbase Study: Young Americans Embrace Crypto as a Financial Opportunity

GenZ and Millenials are more favorable towards crypto than older counterparts. They believe crypto is the future and blockchain technology will provide significant economic opportunities.

By Matias Hernandez

New Research Shows AI Tools Are Nearly Ubiquitous Among E-Commerce Professionals

Businesses have already started to experiment with and implement new AI technologies. The idea of AI integration for business is no longer a looming possibility–it is a reality.

By Matias Hernandez

Goldman Sachs: 70% of SMBs Applying for Loans Say It’s Difficult to Access Capital

Goldman Sachs reports that small business owners nationwide still struggle to gain the capital they need to operate and expand their businesses in a post-COVID market. In an environment of higher interest rates and tighter lending standards, SMBs applying for new loans find it difficult to access capital.

By Lilly Gillespie

Discover, Buy, and Sell Fine Art: Q&A with Artsy’s VP of Collector Sales, Jessica Backus

Check out how Artsy - an online marketplace where people can buy and sell art - has taken an age-old practice to e-commerce in our Q&A with their VP of Collector Sales, Jessica Backus.

By Data Catalyst Institute