Get Connected: The Communication Tools and Services Supporting Small E-Commerce Businesses
October 2024
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face a variety of choices when it comes to selecting phone and internet providers that keep their operations running smoothly and connect them with customers. The Data Catalyst Institute (DCI) has spent years researching the choices small businesses make and the critical role digital tools and services play for small businesses. This report is the first time we examine the internet and phone providers they use and the impact of connectivity on their success. In this qualitative study, we set out to understand SMBs’ perspectives on their current providers and services, whether they considered them reliable, and what entices them to select one provider over another.
To take their pulse, the Data Catalyst Institute (DCI) conducted a short survey of our exclusive panel of senior decision-makers at U.S. small and medium-sized businesses. This edition of THE PULSE dives into the vendors and services small e-commerce product sellers use for their business’s internet and phone service providers to learn more about the reasons behind their vendor and fulfillment decisions.

Get Connected: The Communication Tools and Services Supporting Small E-Commerce Businesses
Data Catalyst Institute
October 2024