Extending Reality: The Impact of Manufacturing Leader Age on Views of XR for the Manufacturing Workforce

October 2024

On behalf of the XR Association, RXN surveyed 600 senior-level manufacturing leaders (MLs) and explored their awareness and opinions of immersive technologies, including augmented reality, mixed reality, and virtual reality (collectively referred to as extended reality, or “XR”). The research examined how these leaders believe XR could impact various aspects of their business.

XR offers exciting potential for industries looking to offer employees comprehensive training, career development, and engaging recruitment. Younger leaders (under 35) express greater enthusiasm for XR’s role in recruitment, workforce training, and retention, often describing themselves as “very tech savvy.” However, older leaders (35+) are actually more familiar with the use of XR in the workplace. The study suggests that XR’s potential for workforce development is crucial for attracting and training new talent, a point of interest for lawmakers, educators, and business leaders facing the retirement of skilled workers.

Millennials and Gen Z have experienced rapid technological change and may welcome employment opportunities at companies that embrace new tools like XR. Their expectations for personalization and flexibility, as seen in the rise of gig work and remote opportunities, reflect a shift away from traditional career paths. In manufacturing, older leaders are embracing XR, using it successfully for collaboration, remote work, and workforce modernization.

The manufacturing sector’s integration of XR offers a model for other industries—such as healthcare, education, and retail—to enhance training, streamline operations, and attract tech-savvy younger talent. The key lesson is that adopting innovative tools like XR not only improves efficiency but also aligns with younger workers’ expectations, creating a strategic advantage across sectors facing talent shortages and evolving workforce needs.

Extending Reality: The Impact of Manufacturing Leader Age on Views of XR for the Manufacturing Workforce

Lilly Gillespie and Mark Drapeau

October 2024

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